How Yogatherapy Can Help Navigate Fertility journey and Fertility Issues
Many women want to become mothers, but suffer from fertility disorders. Gentle practice can accompany them and rebalance their hormones. This is yoga for fertility. This practice increases the chances of getting pregnant by freeing yourself from your emotions (stress,...
How to practice self-massage for a healthy menstrual cycle and less menstrual pain?
The menstrual cycle is a natural process that occurs every month in women of childbearing age. However, for some women, menstruation and the premenstrual phase may be accompanied by period pain and other uncomfortable symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS): fatigue,...
How to adapt your yoga practice during menstruation
How to adapt your yoga practice for less painful periods and a more serene cycle. Menstruation is a natural physiological process that is usually repeated every month for every menstruating woman, from puberty to menopause. They are a reflection of our cyclical nature...