Meditation to manage and relieve endometriosis pain
Often, in addition to having “seizure” or “episodes” of pain, we are afraid of having pain or even more pain. This fear makes us tense even more and we create additional tensions in the body and mind.
To the feeling of helplessness that can be encountered in the face of pain can be added emotions of despair, frustration, anger, sadness, stress, devaluation, lack of confidence…
The experience and practice of yoga tools such as meditation have allowed me to observe and feel its physical, mental and emotional benefits. It is a pillar of my practice that has helped me to continue living my life with the disease, to manage pain when it presented itself and to develop a deep sense of well-being and live better with my environment.
Moreover, many studies conducted by the University of Massachusetts in the United States testify to the benefit of meditation on pain and emotions.
Meditating cannot erase symptoms and pain. But it can relieve by changing our look, our experience, our perception of symptoms and pain. Without removing pain, we have the opportunity to see it differently and influence it. Meditating will help observe the pain by accepting it as it is, make peace with it, not tense when it occurs. The practice will lead to messages between the brain and the body that will help reduce its intensity.
The right conditions for meditating
Some small preparations to best enjoy your session:
- Reserve a place and a moment just for you in peace.
- Turn off your phone.
- Be sure that no one will come to disturb you or warn your loved ones not to disturb you
- Sit down, if possible for yourself as a tailor, comfortably on a carpet, or a blanket. Cover yourself if necessary.
- Take the time to adapt your position so that you feel comfortable enough to stay in this posture without moving for a few minutes.
- You can also diffuse essential oils (pure and natural) and/or put an eye cushion if you wish.
- I offer you here very simple exercises to start with. They are quite similar at first glance may by practicing, you may feel that your meditation will be different.
- Do not start 5 minutes max of meditation per day, without putting pressure on yourself. The best is to practice regularly, a little every day.
- You will feel for yourself the need to practice longer.
Short meditation to calm stress and anxiety
I practice this very simple and fast meditation when I feel anxiety and stress pointing the tip of their nose
It helps to refocus quickly and reconnect to its inner peace.
- Sit comfortably on a cushion to have the pelvis above the knees, or comfortably lying on your back
- Find a position in which you feel comfortable, make the necessary adjustments, then close your eyes
- Take a few deep breaths and then
- Let your breathing go, follow the path it takes through you, try to feel it in you, nose, mouth, throat, lungs…
- Feel the small and very subtle movements of your lungs, to go down to your stomach
- Then observe, feel the movement of your stomach that fills with air when you in and empty when you exhal
- Inspire deeply
- Exhale completely
- Repeat several times while continuing to observe and feel the movement of your stomach
- Observe, feel the effects, even subtle small changes on your body, your mind, your breathing…
To get out of your meditation
To get out of your meditation, take a few deep breaths. Then when you feel ready, gently open your eyes. Do some stretches and movements of arms, head, hands…
Are you meditating? Do you encounter any obstacles to meditate? To do it regularly?
I know that starting to meditate alone can be difficult, and even more so to continue in the long term. The good news is that by meditating 5-10 minutes every day for an hour, you will have the benefits. And it is still easy to settle down for 5 minutes in a day and make it a routine for your well-being and can subtly transform your life.
Feel free to contact me if you’d like some support and guidance on your own health journey. Looking forward to exchange with you and how I can best support you with the first steps towards your desired health and well-being. Book a free call with Aurélie. Link book a call.