Yoga after miscarriage or pregnancy loss
Experiencing a miscarriage is a challenging ordeal and a subject that is still too seldom discussed. Yet, it affects more than one in four women. "Having a miscarriage" is a profound emotional and physical experience that can trigger a complex range of emotions, from...
Holistic Guidance for a Smooth Perimenopause: Ayurveda and Yogatherapy Solutions
Perimenopause is a natural transition that every woman experiences as she approaches menopause. This phase, often accompanied by uncomfortable symptoms, can be a daunting period for many. Symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, anxiety, weight gain, mood swings,...
Yoga and Endometriosis: From Endometriosis to EndoYoga Teacher
Your Path to Becoming an EndoYoga Teacher: Yoga Therapy Adapted to Endometriosis/Adenomyosis. Do you want to develop the skills and knowledge you need to better help and support women affected by endometriosis/adenomyosis? Including yourself? In this article, I share...
3 minutes of meditation to relieve your pain and stress
Meditation to manage and relieve endometriosis pain Often, in addition to having "seizure" or "episodes" of pain, we are afraid of having pain or even more pain. This fear makes us tense even more and we create additional tensions in the body and mind. To the feeling...
Teaching yoga for endometriosis: how to adapt the room and practice
A classic yoga class is sometimes structured in an uncomfortable way or inaccessible to people with endometriosis. This even without you being aware of it. However, it is important to plan a special layout of your course or room. What common elements do women affected...
Healing from Pregnancy Loss: how Yoga can best support you
Important: Do you suffer from severe abdominal pain? Have you had a loss of consciousness? Do you have a hemorrhage (if you need more than one sanitary napkin per hour for your bleeding)? Call for help or get taken to the emergency room. Nothing prepares you for the...
How Yogatherapy Can Help Navigate Fertility journey and Fertility Issues
Many women want to become mothers, but suffer from fertility disorders. Gentle practice can accompany them and rebalance their hormones. This is yoga for fertility. This practice increases the chances of getting pregnant by freeing yourself from your emotions (stress,...
How to adapt your yoga practice during menstruation
How to adapt your yoga practice for less painful periods and a more serene cycle. Menstruation is a natural physiological process that is usually repeated every month for every menstruating woman, from puberty to menopause. They are a reflection of our cyclical nature...
Yoga for endometriosis: to relieve your pain naturally and reclaim your life
Why do yoga and endometriosis go hand in hand when you suffer from this gynecological disease? I like to say that yoga brings us what we need. This is also true when you have endometriosis, adenomyosis (internal endometriosis) or suffer from painful periods. Yoga is a...
Painful periods: relieving by breathing with Apana’s breath
During menstruation or menstrual periods, the body is governed by the quality of apana vayu or vital breath - a descending energy. It resides in the pelvis and lower abdomen and facilitates the downward movement of fluids and blood down and out of the body. Apana Vayu...
How to adapt the yoga practice after a surgery for endometriosis / adenomyosis
RESUMPTION OF YOGA AFTER AN OPERATION, HOSPITALIZATION, ARREST Important preamble:If the doctor has advised you a restricted activity, follow this advice and if you have any questions, consult your health professional before resuming an activity. Have the doctor's...
How to adapt your yoga practice during menstruation
How to adapt your yoga practice for less painful periods and a more serene cycle. Menstruation is a natural physiological process that is usually repeated every month for every menstruating woman, from puberty to menopause. They are a reflection of our cyclical nature...
Endometriosis and adenomyosis: what is the difference?
Endometriosis is a gynecological disease that is fortunately talked about more, but not yet enough. Just like adenomyosis. They both affect the uterus but are different and are still poorly known and understood today. What is the difference between endometriosis and...

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A blog about holistic and scientific education in yoga and natural health.