
Biochemist and nutrition scientist, Yoga therapy for Women’s health specialist, women’s health coach, published author

Specialities: menstrual health, endometriosis, fertility and perimenopause.

Aurélie Maire combines her background in biochemistry and human nutrition with expertise in yoga, yoga therapy, and natural health for women’s health and wellbeing. She is passionate about providing them with a better understanding and tools to address their specific needs in their life, health, work, and business. 

As a mentor and educator specializing in women’s health, in particular endometriosis, menstrual health, fertility issues, and peri/menopause, Aurélie teaches and guides yoga teachers and health professionals to support women through personalized yoga and holistic therapeutic practices.

Aurélie shares her insights as a lecturer and speaker at schools, universities, conferences, and corporations, highlighting the connection between women’s holistic health, science, and yoga.

She is a published author, with her first book on endometriosis released in French in March 2022, and her second book on yoga therapy and menstrual health in the final stages of writing.

Her teaching methods bring together Western knowledge of the body and mind (science, biochemistry, neuroscience) with the traditional disciplines of yoga, yogatherapy, mindfulness, and a holistic lifestyle to offer a caring, holistic, and integrative approach.

Prior to her work in women’s health, Aurélie had a successful career in managerial roles in corporate social responsibility (CSR), marketing, and communication across various industries. Now, she also coaches wellpreneurs and entrepreneurs, supporting them in making a positive and meaningful impact for a healthier and happier world.

With kindness & wisdom

My values

Compassion and empathy


Generosity in sharing and transmission
Kindness AND Deep listening

Balance and harmony

Fun facts

I have given yoga classes on rooftops in India and under the Eiffel Tower.

HSP, multi-passionate, eternal student, idealistic, yes, it’s me

I have several activities and hats, but they all have the vocation to contribute “May you, all beings, and the planet be and live happy, healthy, free and in peace” through education and its practice.

Cat lover. Mom of 2 British shorthair with french passport living in France or Luxembourg.

Book lover. I feel good on the mat and surrounded by books. I always have at least 3 books in my bag and a stack of about 10 books on my bedside table. When I travel, bookstores are a must.

I once slept on a trampoline.

I could have worn the hakama in aikido (but I stopped when I had this “level”)

“Be your own healer, heroe and leader”

Yung Pueblo

Academics & certifications :

  • Conseillère en aromathérapie, ADNR Formation
  • Naturopathe, Carol Panne et ADNL
  • Maître Reiki, niveau 1,2 et 3, Katia Deltor
  • Santé de la femme, Femina, Canada
  • Ingénieure en agro spécialisée en nutrition humaine, Polytec’Lille et ENSAIA
  • Biochimiste, Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy
  • BTS Diététique (en cours)
  • Diplôme Universitaire Yoga & Santé, Université de Lorraine
  • Yogathérapie, IDYT, Dr Lionel Coudron
  • Yogathérapie pour les personnes en stress, anxiété, burnout, choc post-traumatique, Jilian Pransky
  • Formation initiale de 200hrs RYT Yoga Alliance
  • KidoKids yoga teacher
  • Yoga de la femme
  • Yoga for pelvic pain
  • Restorative Yoga, Jilian Pransky
  • Master en Marketing, ICN Business School
  • MBA – Sacred-Heart University, Jack Welch College

Integrative and Functional Medicine for Women’s Health and Well-being

  • Certified Women’s health coaching NBHWC approved
  • Certified Women’s Hormonal Health Coach
  • Certified Perimenopause and Menopause Coach
  • Certified Women’s Fertility Coach
  • Certified Women’s Health Functional Nutrition
  • Chronic Pelvic Pain and Pelvic Health Professional


  • 600hrs Ayurvedic Health counselor
  • Ayurveda for women


  • Naturopath, Carol Panne
  • Botanic and phytotherapy for Women’s Health, Femina, Canada
  • Aromatherapy, ADNR Formation, France
  • Gemmotherapy, Anne Van Bockstaele, ADNL

Traditional Chinese Medicine 

  • MTC, Pr Wang (Public Research Centre of Health), graduated from Beijing TCM and Harvard Medical Schools
    • Engineering diploma specialized in human nutrition, Polytech’Lille and ENSAIA, France
    • Bachelor in Biochemistry, Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy, France
    • Post-University degree in Yoga & Health, Université de Lorraine, France

    Hatha Yoga

        • Traditional Hatha Yoga, The Yoga Institute, India, RYT et Ministry of AyushGovernment of India
        • 200hrs RYT Yoga Alliance (2015)

    Yoga therapy

        • IDYT, Dr Lionel Coudron (France)
        • Stress, burnout and PTSD, Jilian Pransky (New York, USA)

    Yoga and Women’s Health

        • Yoga for women (USA)
        • Yoga for pelvic pain (USA)
        • Pre-netal Yoga (France)

    Restorative and yin

        • Restorative Yoga: Judith Hansen Lasater, Jilian Pransky
        • Yin yoga: Loka Yoga School, Bali

    Yoga Philosophy

        • Mark Singleton, Prasad Rangnekar


      • Vipassana Satipatthana, according to the Sayadaw Mahasi’s method from Myanmar (Burma)
      • Tibetan Buddhist Lama Jigmé Namgyal
      • Mindfulness Facilitator, MNDFL, New York (USA)
    • Master in Marketing, ICN Business School, France
    • MBA – Sacred-Heart University, Jack Welch College, Connecticut, USA and Luxembourg, Europe
    Séance d'étude et pratique gratuite: Transition automnale et ménopause. 18 octobre 2024 à 18h30
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